Children's Ministry
At Wadsworth UMC...
We strive to create a welcoming environment where kids can learn about Jesus and his LOVE for them while having fun.​​
We take safety seriously. We use a secure check-in system for Children's Ministry and other events. Before serving, all teachers have background checks and become familiar with the curriculum.
Children have age appropriate lessons that are designed to ​help them learn the stories of the Bible with engaging activites, art and discussion.
Throughout the year, we present opportunities for intergenerational family activities.
Every summer we offer a Vacation Bible School experience open to all children in the community. In 2024 the kids went on an adventure and explored God’s monumental love and discovered what it means to have an unshakable faith. Click here to see pictures!
Sunday School Classes 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Nursery - offered for children ages birth - 2 years old
The Nursery is in room 106 located on the same floor as the sanctuary.
Classes - offered for children ages 3 years old through 4th grade
Classrooms are located on the same floor as the sanctuary.
For more information regarding the classes or special needs, please email our Children's Director, Jen Beck at or call the church office during business hours.